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Chad Ruback


For the past twenty years, Chad Ruback has limited his practice handlling appeals and trial court motions likely to be at issue on appeal.


After receiving degrees from U.T. and S.M.U., Chad served as a briefing attorney to the Fort Worth Court of Appeals. Since the time that Chad completed his service as a briefing attorney at the Court of Appeals, he has been amassing experience representing both plaintiffs and defendants on appeal, regardless of whether they won or lost at trial. He has also dedicated himself to drafting trial court motions with an eye to winning at trial . . . and having those wins be upheld on appeal. Before opening his own appellate law firm in 2005, Chad practiced appellate law at a medium-sized law firm and at a large law firm.

Chad has written articles that have been published in the Dallas Bar Association Headnotes, the Dallas Business Journal, the Texas Lawyer, The Appellate Advocate (the journal of the State Bar of Texas Appellate Section), The Dicta, and The Texas Lawbook. 

Chad has been a featured speaker of the Collin County Bar Association, the Dallas Area Paralegal Association, the Dallas Association of Young Lawyers, the Dallas Bar Association, the Dallas Hispanic Bar Association, the Defense Research Institute, the Ector County Bar Association, the Fannin County Bar Association, the Frisco Bar Association, the Grayson County Bar Association, the North Dallas Bar Association, the Plano Bar Association, the San Antonio Bar Association,  Southern Methodist University School of Law, the State Bar of Texas Appellate Section, the State Bar of Texas African-American Lawyers Section, the Tarrant County Probate Bar Association, Texas A&M University School of Law, Texas Tech University School of Law, Texas Wesleyan University School of Law, and University of Tulsa School of Law.

Chad has served as president of the 2,400-member Dallas Association of Young Lawyers and on the board of directors of the 10,000-member Dallas Bar Association. Chad is a member of the Executive Committee of the William “Mac” Taylor Inn of Court and is a former member of the Patrick Higginbotham Inn of Court. Chad is a National Merit Scholar and a Fellow of the College of the State Bar of Texas.

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